As I was praying this morning there were a few things that came to me. When a wound is healing and its time for the scab part to fall off, it doesn't hurt at that point. The scab can honestly be annoying at times cause at that point its no longer part of the wound just a covering that keeps you from truly feeling what is going on around. IF its ready to come off it comes off easily HOWEVER the new skin underneath is extremely sensitive and its feeling everything as if for the first time. Our instinct is to cover it back up but in reality the best thing for it at that point is to be exposed and allow to feel the breath of fresh air. The reason that I don't want to fix or heal you is because for the most part the healing is done. The covering just needs to come off. Right now its hindering how you move and feel the world around you. Its not comfortable but its what you have known and at least this way you can't get hurt! Its our job as the body of christ to help other remove the coverings and begin to feel what living again is all about. Its gonna feel weird and scary and you will want to cover back up, but take my hand and trust God. I don't want to fix you or help you but I do desire to do life with you! And life is all about growing, healing, changing and loving. All into the people that God wants us to be. And since God wants what's best for us it seems like a pretty good plan ;)
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Change not Perfection
What if God desires change not perfection? With all the change that I have gone through in the last year I began to get extremely frustrated at the continual flow of change. And that I never seemed to be "done". Just when I thought I was done something else would come up that needed changed. What if I changed my perspective... From looking at "done" as the goal to looking at "change" as the goal. Then everytime I am faced with a new change I can welcome it with open arms. Consider it pure joy when faced with trials and tribulations of ALL KINDS. For in trials your faith will be tried and your character perfected.
Trust. Intimacy.
I had always thought trust was supposed to be immediately bestowed on people when they entered my life. Which has left me incredibly vulnerable for all kinds messy situations. Trust has to be earned. Through time. I can give people opportunities time earn my trust but I can't give them my everything until they have worked to gain my trust. Trust without hard work is nothing more than another form of prostitution. To give something of worth to anyone and everyone without proof that they are worthy. So how do you provide people with opportunities to build trust without getting your heart broken but while still being transparent? I am discovering that 1. You actually can't build trust without the risk of getting your heart broken. 2. If you have complete trust in God, who mind you actually deserves our complete trust, then your heart will never be shattered beyond repair. 3. When I can relax in full trust with God and know that he loves me regardless then I can risk more to eventually trust more.
Perhaps what I thought I gave out so freely before really wasn't trust at all but was some sort of scewed counterfeit. Maybe it was me trying to earn someone's love by showing all of me rather than allowing them to work to see all of me. To prove that they were worthy. Not everyone gets all of me. Time to tighten down the trust belt and bring the close ones in closer. I can still be a glass house, transparent for all to see. But not everyone gets to come inside, walk around and trash what want there's to have. No longer with trust be given immediately. But rather earned through time. It's ok to be at step 2 rather than step 32. Because the steps In between is where true trust and true intimacy are built. I will not rush the process.
Puzzle Pieces
Puzzle Pieces