Monday, April 25, 2016



Trust. Noun  1. Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something. 2. One in which confidence is placed.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him.

Trust is easy in times of calm.  When the seas look like glass and the breeze is just right.  When your child is healthy and all seems right.  When your spouse is loving and thoughtful and kind.  Sure trusting God that he knows what he is doing in moments like that doesn’t even take an effort on our part.  But let that wind pick up just a little, from a breeze to a sudden gust every now and then.  When your boat rocks a little more than is comfortable to you.   This is when trust becomes a choice.  That news you received from the mechanic’s shop, that your car was going to cost a whole lot more than you thought.  Or that letter that you receive in the mail that tells you of news you didn’t want to know.  Those moments when you curiously wonder what God is up to, do you trust what he is doing?  Is he capable of using that bad news for your good still?  Then what about the heart shattering, gut wrenching, life altering moments that you face?  The moments when the waves seem unending, giving you just enough time to find your balance only to be tossed to the ground again.  The diagnosis you didn’t ever want to receive.  The death of a child.  The loss of a parent.  These kinds of traumatic events that you don’t have a choice but to face.  Hiding won’t help and running won’t stop the pain.  Is God still good in those moments?  Can we still trust that God is working things out?  Truth is either God is completely good or He is not.  Either he can be completely trusted or not trusted at all.  There is no middle ground.  No room to doubt that God is good.  We must forge ahead and trust that He knows what he is doing.  Take a moment and ask God what areas of your life you don’t trust him with.  Then ask for forgiveness for trying to fix something just because you don’t understand his plan or his timing.  God promises will be fulfilled no questions asked.  But do you trust him enough to make them happen even when all hope seems lost?  When the clouds are building in the sky and waves are crashing all around. In the verse above it says that God WORKS.  That is an active verb meaning to bring to pass.  Not God worked.  Be patient in the process. Steady your legs.  The captain knows how to get you safely to shore.  He is working all things together for good.   

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Naomi! This encouraged me this morning. I wish we could have a cup of coffee!
