Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Puzzle Pieces

Puzzle Pieces
All too often I allow the circumstances to determine my view on the character of God rather than allowing the character of God to shine through onto my circumstances.  If my surroundings are good then God is good.  But if my circumstances are bad then God be bad or worse, just not care.  God is good ALL the time.  While the world is constantly changing God is UNCHANGING, ever faithful, ALWAYS GOOD.  So even in the times when it looks like all hope is lost and change is completely impossible God is working on a plan to right all my wrongs.  The grand puzzle maker.  Follow me here…it’s the person putting the puzzle together that is the problem solver.  Its not the puzzle pieces job to make each piece fit together.  A puzzle is designed to test the ingenuity and problem solving abilities of the person fitting the pieces.  Each one of us is a part of a huge puzzle.  When we as puzzle pieces try to create the picture we make a mess of things and try to smash pieces together that don’t belong just because we don’t understand where they truly go.  The relationship that failed, the job we didn’t get, or the family member that died.  Close your eyes and see it with me.  There are a bunch of puzzle pieces laid out in front of you.  All different shades and colors but as you look closer you can see black streaks running through some of the pieces.  Defining lines.  These pieces represent the times in your life when you don’t understand what God is doing.  The difficult times when its easier to see the bad then to see the picture that is being made.  But these are the very pieces that he uses to to define the puzzle of our lives.  Without these lines there is no depth, no character.  Trust his hand that He knows exactly where each piece goes.  He alone knows where the black lines need to go.  Sometimes I don’t know what He’s doing but I trust who He is.  The black lines do not determine the puzzle makers character but the character of God determines where the black lines go and only He can see the whole puzzle and where each piece fits. 

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